The Bubble Nebula
M52, NGC7635 and NGC7538
Technical data
Instrument: | 173/700 Newton-astrograph (ZsIO), SkyWatcher comacorrector F/4 |
Camera: | Canon EOS 60D (modified) |
Filter: | Baader UV/IR block |
Mount: | SkyWatcher NEQ6 Pro Synscan (modified) |
Guiding: | Lacerta M-Gen autoguider |
Image data
Exposure time: | 95*5 mins ISO800 |
Location, date: | Hungary, Mount-Mátra, Ágasvár - 2014. August 27. |
Transparency: | 6/10 |
Seeing: | 6/10 |
Temperature: | 8 °C |
Processing: | CCDStack, Registar, Pixinsight LE, Photoshop |
The Bubble Nebula and its surroundings, inter alia, M52 located in the border of constellation Cassiopeia.
Technical data
Instrument: | 173/700 Newton-astrograph (ZsIO), SkyWatcher comacorrector F/4 |
Camera: | Canon EOS 60D (modified) |
Filter: | Baader UV/IR block |
Mount: | SkyWatcher NEQ6 Pro Synscan (modified) |
Guiding: | Lacerta M-Gen autoguider |
Image data
Exposure time: | 95*5 mins ISO800 |
Location, date: | Hungary, Mount-Mátra, Ágasvár - 2014. August 27. |
Transparency: | 6/10 |
Seeing: | 6/10 |
Temperature: | 8 °C |
Processing: | CCDStack, Registar, Pixinsight LE, Photoshop |
© Patrik Tarczi
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