In the heart of constellation Cygnus

IC1318, NGC6888, M29

In the heart of constellation Cygnus

Technical data

Instrument: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 USM L IS II
Camera: Canon EOS 550D (modified)
Filter: Baader UV/IR block
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ-6 Pro
Guiding: Lacerta M-Gen autoguider

Image data

Exposure time: 3 hours ISO8000
Location, date: Hungary, Izsákfa - 2012. June
Transparency: 7/10
Seeing: 5/10
Temperature: 16 °C
Processing: CCDStack, Registar, Pixinsight LE, Photoshop


The most exciting part of the night sky in the summer is the constellation Cygnus.

Technical data

Instrument: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 USM L IS II
Camera: Canon EOS 550D (modified)
Filter: Baader UV/IR block
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ-6 Pro
Guiding: Lacerta M-Gen autoguider

Image data

Exposure time: 3 hours ISO8000
Location, date: Hungary, Izsákfa - 2012. June
Transparency: 7/10
Seeing: 5/10
Temperature: 16 °C
Processing: CCDStack, Registar, Pixinsight LE, Photoshop
© Patrik Tarczi

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